Connect and compete with others in our senior bingo event!
Job service professionals from the Department of Workforce Development provide assistance to walk-in customers in the computer lab at Beloit Public Library.
Drop in for one-on-one assistance with learning how to use and understand your device. Our staff can help you learn to use library apps, resources, and more! PLEASE NOTE: Staff are not permitted to perform repairs.
Come paint a portrait of your beloved pet! All materials are provided (be sure to bring a photo reference of your pet). For grades 6-12.
Learn conversational Spanish and appreciate Mexican culture in our Spanish Fluency Club for Beginners, led by Andero Anderson. Fluent English and/or Spanish speakers are invited.
Bring your friends, your creativity, and your adventurous spirit to our Dungeons & Dragons series led by local Beloiter Jason Tuttle. No advanced knowledge of the game is required.
Bring your own knitting or crocheting project, and hang out with other yarn crafters for inspiration, conversation, and collaboration.