Job service professionals from the Department of Workforce Development provide assistance to walk-in customers in the computer lab at Beloit Public Library.
Bring your device and drop in for assistance with our one-on-one technology support. Our staff can also help you learn to use library apps, resources, and more!
Tile on Up: Mahjong Class for Beginners
Learn how to play mahjong with Beloiter Ann Firlus. All materials will be provided. Registration is required.
Join us for a fun bilingual story time presented by Maria Elena White of La Voz de Beloit. Grades 1-4.
Bring your friends, your creativity, and your adventurous spirit to our Dungeons & Dragons series led by local Beloiter Bob Peryea. No advanced knowledge of the game is required.
Bring your own knitting or crocheting project, and hang out with other yarn crafters for inspiration, conversation, and collaboration.