Beloit Public Library is proud to partner with the School District of Beloit, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, and the USDA to provide free summer meals for children ages 18 and under.
Job service professionals from the Department of Workforce Development provide assistance to walk-in customers in the computer lab at Beloit Public Library.
Connect with other parents and your baby with simple songs and stories. Ages 0-2.
Beloit Public Library is proud to partner with the School District of Beloit, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, and the USDA to provide free summer meals for children ages 18 and under.
Family Maker Night: Nature Art
Come explore what you can make with natural found items. There will be a variety of natural materials like leaves, sticks, pebbles, and flowers, as well as crafting supplies like paper, paint, and glue. Have fun creating something unique.
Bring your friends, your creativity, and your adventurous spirit to our first Dungeons & Dragons series led by local Beloiter Bob Peryea. No advanced knowledge of the game is required.