Seed Library Series: Starting NOW for Gardeners

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Age Group:

Teens, Adults
Registration for this event will close on March 27, 2025 @ 6:30pm.
There are 17 seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details

Seed Library Series 3 of 4. April is THE month for starting cold season vegetables outdoors and tender plants indoors. We'll talk you through all the possibilities and set you up with seeds to take home and get started!

Kaelyb Lokratntz, Manager of the Merrill Community Sharing Garden, will talk about his garden project and share his wisdom for starting your early planting. Lettuce, spinach, radishes, carrots, and more can all be seeded as soon as your garden soil thaws for fresh food ready in May. Meanwhile, you can start tomatoes, peppers, and other plants that need a head start indoors to be ready to be transplanted to the garden around Mother's Day.

We invite you to listen, learn, and (optionally) help us get these early start seeds packaged and labeled for distribution in the library. Attendees can get answers from experienced gardeners for their garden questions, find more resources, and, best of all, TAKE HOME SEEDS before they're offered to the public. Beyond the seeds for starting now, we'll have other limited quantity seeds reserved just for program attendees, so show up to score some surprises. We still have plenty of free seed starting kits for new volunteers so register now to claim yours! Please register if you'd like one: Otherwise just drop in -- whichever you prefer.


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